Results for 'Wilson P. Mendonça'

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  1.  27
    Explanatory exclusion and causal relevance.André Fuhrmann & Wilson P. Mendonça - 2002 - Facta Philosophica 4 (2):287-300.
  2.  41
    A new approach to the confirmation paradox.P. R. Wilson - 1964 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 42 (3):393 – 401.
  3.  45
    The fiction of corporate scapegoating.P. Eddy Wilson - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (10):779 - 784.
    If the agent responsible for an action is to be given praise or blame by the moral community for that action, then accurate responsibility ascriptions must be made. Since the moral community may have to evaluate the actions of corporate agents, care must be taken to insure that the assumption of Methodological Individualism (MI) does not infect that process. Nevertheless, there is no guarantee that accurate responsibility ascriptions will be made in cases connected with corporate action as long as corporate (...)
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    Finding Moral Casualties in Wartime Fatalities.P. E. Wilson - 2019 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 25 (1):74-83.
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    A decision-making theory of visual detection.Wilson P. Tanner & John A. Swets - 1954 - Psychological Review 61 (6):401-409.
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  6. On the confirmation paradox.P. R. Wilson - 1964 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 15 (59):196-199.
  7. Hume and Ducasse on Causal Inferences from a Single Experiment.P. F. Wilson - 1979 - Philosophical Studies 35:305-10.
  8. American Academy in Rome, Prize Fellowships 1952-1953.P. C. Wilson - 1951 - Classical Weekly 45:80.
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  9. Murray, Oedipus at Colonus; The Wife of Heracles.P. C. Wilson - 1950 - Classical Weekly 44:104.
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  10. General Evangeline Booth of the Salvation Army.P. W. Wilson - 1948
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  11. Notes and News.P. C. Wilson - 1951 - Classical Weekly 45:79.
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  12.  76
    Corporations, minors, and other innocents? A reply to R. E. Ewin.P. Eddy Wilson - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (10):761 - 774.
    R. E. Ewin has argued that corporations are moral persons, but Ewin describes them as being unable to think or to act in virtuous and vicious ways. Ewin thinks that their impoverished emotional life would not allow them to act in these ways. In this brief essay I want to challenge the idea that corporations cannot act virtuously. I begin by examining deficiencies in Ewin''s notion of corporate personhood. I argue that he effectively reduces corporations to the status of incompetent (...)
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  13.  69
    (1 other version)Interest and Discipline in Education.P. S. Wilson - 1972 - British Journal of Educational Studies 20 (3):350-351.
  14.  16
    Educational Theory: An Introduction.P. S. Wilson & T. W. Moore - 1975 - British Journal of Educational Studies 23 (3):337.
  15.  60
    On the argument by analogy.P. R. Wilson - 1964 - Philosophy of Science 31 (1):34-39.
    Conditions are stated under which the "argument by analogy" is consistent with the principle of inverse probability. It is contended that the argument by analogy, in conjunction with a crucial test, has a legitimate place in scientific logic. As an example the astrophysical problem of solar granulation is discussed in detail and other examples are mentioned more briefly.
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  16. Graves, R., tr., The Anger of Achilles.P. C. Wilson - 1959 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 53:157.
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  17.  40
    In defence of Bingo.P. S. Wilson - 1967 - British Journal of Educational Studies 15 (1):5-27.
  18.  40
    Perspectives on punishment— reply to Pamela Moore.P. S. Wilson - 1974 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 8 (1):103–134.
    P S Wilson; Perspectives on Punishment—Reply to Pamela Moore, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 8, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 103–134,
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    Child-centred education.P. S. Wilson - 1969 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 3 (1):105–126.
    P S Wilson; Child-Centred Education, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 3, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 105–126,
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  20.  46
    Interests and educational values.P. S. Wilson - 1974 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 8 (2):181–199.
    P S Wilson; Interests and Educational Values, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 8, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 181–199,
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  21. Renal cortical interstitium and renal lymph with remarks on a stochastic conception of the reflexion coefficient of the peritubular capillary wall.G. G. Pinter & P. D. Wilson - 1981 - In G. Adam, I. Meszaros & E.I. Banyai (eds.), Advances in Physiological Science. pp. 2--57.
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  22.  62
    Regulative Control and the Subjectivist’s View of Moral Responsibility.P. Eddy Wilson - 2006 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 13 (1):28-33.
    In this essay I focus upon John Martin Fischer’s notion of taking on responsibility. In his view moral actors must acquire a proper self-understanding to take on moral responsibility. I question whether Fischer steps out of his role as a subjectivist, when he maintains that having only guidance control is a necessary condition for moral responsibility. I suggest that subjectivists are committed to the notion that taking on responsibility includes the acquisition of a proper phenomenology of freedom. I compare actors (...)
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  23.  68
    Interests, Values and Educational Language.P. S. Wilson - 1976 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 10 (1):147-166.
    P S Wilson; Interests, Values and Educational Language, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 10, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 147–166,
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  24.  17
    The use of value terms in discussions of education.P. S. Wilson - 1975 - Journal of Value Inquiry 9 (3):186-200.
  25.  23
    On children's interests.Charles Clark & P. S. Wilson - 1975 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 7 (1):41–54.
  26.  49
    Sanity and Irresponsibility.P. Eddy Wilson - 1996 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 3 (4):293-302.
    Taking up the idea that sanity is a necessary condition for responsibility, Susan Wolf sets forth two criteria for determining whether an actor is sane. I argue that the second criterion is inappropriate for this determination since it invokes some hidden axiological standard. I reexamine a case study that Wolf describes and arrive at a different judgment about the responsibility of the actor. I argue that the foremost criterion for determining whether an actor is sane is functional rather than axiological. (...)
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  27.  35
    Decision processes in perception.John A. Swets, Wilson P. Tanner & Theodore G. Birdsall - 1961 - Psychological Review 68 (5):301--40.
  28.  17
    Scrutiny of the Two-Dimensional Argument against Physicalism.Wilson Mendonça & Julia Telles de Menezes - 2023 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 27 (2):263-279.
    Chalmers’s two-dimensional argument against materialism (aka the zombie argument) is arguably the most ingenious attempt to ground a view about fundamental reality on epistemic considerations. From the conceivability of a being that is physically identical to a conscious being but that is deprived of phenomenal consciousness (a zombie), the argument draws on the interplay of the primary and the second intensions of the zombie hypothesis to infer the metaphysical possibility of a zombie world, and thus the falsity of physicalism about (...)
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  29.  19
    Argumentos de superveniência contra o realismo moral robusto.Wilson Mendonça - 2019 - Filosofia Unisinos 20 (1).
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  30.  23
    Contextualismo e relativismo na ética.Wilson Mendonça - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (spe1):627-668.
    According to a prominent approach in contemporary formal semantics, the truth of moral assertions depends on a normative perspective imposed on the facts of the world. The implementation of this approach known as indexical contextualism treats the dependence of moral truth on the corresponding moral perspective in analogy with the contextual dependence characteristic of sentences containing indexical terms. Alternatively, the moral perspective is seen as configuring the circumstances of evaluation in which the content expressed by the occurrence of a moral (...)
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  31.  89
    Fisicismo Não-Reducionista: Uma atitude sem conteúdo congnitivo? Sobre o desafio de Bas Van Fraassen.Wilson Mendonça - 2007 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 11 (2):171-186.
    De acordo com a concepção dominante de causação, eventos espácio-temporalmente localizáveis que podem ser designados por termos singulares e descrições definidas são os únicos relata genuínos da relação causal. Isto dá apoio e é apoiado pela dicotomia aceita entre a explicação causal, concebida como uma relação intensional entre fatos ou verdades, e a relação natural e extensional da causação. O ensaio questiona este modo de ver e argumenta pela legitimidade da noção de causação por fatos: os relata de muitas relações (...)
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  32. Da Teoria do Conhecimento à metodologia: análise do projeto epistemológico de Popper.Wilson Mendonça - forthcoming - Cadernos de História E Filosofia da Ciéncia.
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  33.  56
    Experiências, Conhecimento Fenomenal e Materialismo.Wilson Mendonça & Julia Telles Menezes - 2011 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 15 (3):415-438.
    The claim that at least some of our mental states have qualitative, phenomenal features to which we have privileged cognitive access is intuitively plausible. Nevertheless, the claim is considered by many philosophers to be incompatible with a physicalist ontology. Some radical physicalists prefer simply to deny the existence of the qualitative character of our mental states, whereas other physicalists try to reinterpret the knowledge of the phenomenal character of our experience as the acquisition of an ability, i.e., as a sort (...)
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  34.  35
    Supervenience and the problem of downward causation.Wilson Mendonça - 2002 - Manuscrito 25 (3):251-270.
    It seems that higher-level, nonbasic properties can only manifest their causal powers by exerting causal influence on lower-level, physically basic phenomena in the first place. A very influential line of reasoning conceives of this form of downward causation as either reducible to causation by physical properties or as ultimately untenable, because incompatible with the causal closure of physical reality. The paper argues that this is not so. It examines, first, why it is that a recent attempt by Noordhof to substantiate (...)
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  35.  14
    Wittgenstein über Zahlen.W. P. Mendonça - 1991 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 39 (1):127-153.
    Die Kritik des späten Wittgenstein am logizistischen Programm zur Begründung der Mathematik, vor allem im Blick auf die Definition der Zahl als Klasse von Klassen, und die darauf gegründete Explikation des Sinnes arithmetischer Sätze wird systematisch rekonstruiert. Entgegen einer verbreiteten Auffassung zeigen die Analysen Wittgensteins, daß Frege und Russell den Zahlbegriff nicht auf den „grundlegenderen" Begriff der eineindeutigen Zuordnung „reduzieren". Entsprechend sind Zahlen nicht mehr als durch Abstraktion erreichbare, echte Eigenschaften von Klassen zu verstehen, sondern als Formen oder Möglicfikeiten, die (...)
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  36. Brain and Mind: On the Sequences of Conceptual Confusion in Cognitive Psychology.W. P. Mendonca - 1988 - Epistemologia 11 (1):29.
  37.  76
    Wittgenstein über Zahlen.W. P. Mendonça - 1991 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 39 (1):127-153.
    Die Kritik des späten Wittgenstein am logizistischen Programm zur Begründung der Mathematik, vor allem im Blick auf die Definition der Zahl als Klasse von Klassen, und die darauf gegründete Explikation des Sinnes arithmetischer Sätze wird systematisch rekonstruiert. Entgegen einer verbreiteten Auffassung zeigen die Analysen Wittgensteins, daß Frege und Russell den Zahlbegriff nicht auf den „grundlegenderen" Begriff der eineindeutigen Zuordnung „reduzieren". Entsprechend sind Zahlen nicht mehr als durch Abstraktion erreichbare, echte Eigenschaften von Klassen zu verstehen, sondern als Formen oder Möglicfikeiten, die (...)
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  38.  31
    Die Person als Zweck an sich.W. P. Mendonça - 1993 - Kant Studien 84 (2):167-184.
  39.  54
    Pragmatism and Developmentalism in Brazilian Educational Thought in the 1950s/1960.Ana Waleska P. C. Mendonça, Libânia Nacif Xavier, Vera Lucia Alves Breglia, Miriam Waidenfeld Chaves, Maria Teresa Cavalcanti de Oliveira, Cecília Neves Lima & Pablo S. M. Bispo Dos Santos - 2005 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 24 (6):471-498.
    This article proposes to analyse some aspects of the appropriation of New School thinking in Brazil, particularly Deweyan pragmatism, in the 1950s and 1960s. The analysis is based on the assumption that the developmentalist ideology that punctuated the debate on the economic, political and social restructuring of the country in these two decades constituted fertile ground for the return and expansion of pragmatist thinking amongst Brazilian educators, articulating itself, sometimes in contradictory ways, with this ideology. The focus of the analysis (...)
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    Causas Excludentes.André Fuhrmann & Wilson Mendonça - 2000 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 4 (2):257–276.
    We defend J. Kim's principle of explanatory exclusion from a recent criticism advanced by A Marras. We show that the principle follows from a less controversial principle of causal exclusion together with the assumption that claims of explanation are factual. We resolve the tension produced by Marras' argument by drawing a distinction between causal and explanatory relevance. In cross-level explanations (mental-to-physical and physical-to-mental) the explanans property is not causally but explanatorily relevant to the explanandum. This calls for an account of (...)
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  41. The Most Important Thing Neuropragmatism Can Do: Providing an Alternative to 'Cognitive' Neuroscience.P. Charles Eric, D. Wilson Andrew & Sabrina Golonka - 2014 - In John R. Shook & Tibor Solymosi (eds.), Pragmatist Neurophilosophy: American Philosophy and the Brain. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  42.  83
    Mental Causation and the Causal Completeness of Physics.Wilson Mendonça - 2002 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 6 (1):121-132.
    This paper takes issue with a widely accepted view of mental causation. This is the view that mental causation is either reducible to physical causation or ultimately untenable, because incompatible with the causal completeness of physics The paper examines, first, why recent attempts to save the phenomena of mental causation by way of the notion of supervenient causation fail The result of t/us examination is the claim that any attempted specification of the most basic causal factors which supposedly underlie a (...)
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  43.  7
    Does reductive information increase satisfaction with scientific explanations? Three preregistered tests of the reductive allure effect.Kevin D. Wilson, May Lonergan, Claire Nagel & Brian P. Meier - 2025 - Cognition 254 (C):105941.
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  44. Der psychophysische Materialismus in der Perspektive Kants und Wittgensteins.W. P. Mendonça - 1990 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 81 (3):339.
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  45.  65
    Understanding preferences for disclosure of individual biomarker results among participants in a longitudinal birth cohort.S. E. Wilson, E. R. Baker, A. C. Leonard, M. H. Eckman & B. P. Lanphear - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (12):736-740.
    Background To describe the preferences for disclosure of individual biomarker results among mothers participating in a longitudinal birth cohort. Methods We surveyed 343 mothers that participated in the Health Outcomes and Measures of the Environment Study about their biomarker disclosure preferences. Participants were told that the study was measuring pesticide metabolites in their biological specimens, and that the health effects of these low levels of exposure are unknown. Participants were asked whether they wanted to receive their results and their child's (...)
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  46. Programas e promessas: sobre o (ab-) uso do jargao computacional em teorias cognitivas da mente.W. P. Mendonça - 1989 - Manuscrito. Revista Internacional de Filosofia 12 (1):91-108.
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    (1 other version)Zur möglichkeit kognitiver psychologie aus wittgensteinscher sicht.W. P. Mendonça - 1987 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 18 (1-2):183-203.
    Summary After having given an account of the current methodological debates about psychology I discuss Ryle's arguments which play an important role in this debate. Following Jerry Fodor's formulation of the cognitive psychology's programme I assess critically his claims from a Wittgensteinian perspective. Contrary to the interpretation of some Wittgensteinians it turns out that this programme contains a justifiable core.
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  48.  18
    Christian truth and the pseudo-dialectical methodology of Alistair McFadyen.Michael P. Wilson - 2020 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 81 (2):155-173.
    At the heart of this essay lies the problem of Christian universals.Sin-talk is arguably Christian theology’s primary contribution to any account of the human condition. Fashionable or unfashionabl...
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  49.  36
    (1 other version)Abstrakte sinnesphysiologie AlS spekulative philosophie.W. P. Mendonça - 1989 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 20 (2):303-316.
    It is argued that the theories of the modern cognitive psychology of perception and recognition show, under rigorous logical analysis, the same problems which arise in the philosophical theories of knowledge of Descartes and Locke and lead to relativistic and solipsistic consequences. Through examination of the approachs of D. Sanders, E. B. Goldstein and J. Fodor it is shown that the perceptible world in these theories dissolves in internal representations so that despite its realistic starting-point modern cognitive psychology runs into (...)
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  50. The Study of Religion in Colleges and Universities.P. Ramsey, John F. Wilson, U. Bianchi, C. J. Bleeker & A. Bausani - 1973 - Religious Studies 9 (3):371-373.
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